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RESET® Air Accredited Monitor Process

RESET Air Accredited Monitors are air quality monitors that have been tested and fulfill the requirements outlined for RESET Accredited Monitors. RESET Air Accredited Monitors are required for RESET Projects pursuing the RESET Air Accreditation.

This page outlines the requirements and process for manufacturers seeking RESET Air Accreditation for Monitors. If you are interested in accrediting your air quality monitor, please send us an email at: info[at]reset.build.

Please note that testing for RESET Air Accredited Monitor - Grade B is the only testing and accreditation available at this point in time.

1. Getting Started and Requirements

Here is a summary of the basic requirements for a RESET Air Accredited Monitor:

  • It is continuously monitoring, with readings at least once every 5 minutes (special cases may apply and will be handled on a case by case basis).
  • The monitor tracks the following parameters: PM2.5, CO2, TVOC, Temperature, and Relative Humidity (there are options to accredit monitors without the full suite of parameters, but they will not be sufficient for RESET Project requirements by itself).
  • The monitor is able to demonstrate that it the ability to transfer readings and data to an online platform or data provider, preferably a RESET Air Accredited Data Provider (this can also be via a BMS/BAS if needed).

For further details, please read the RESET Air Standard for Accredited Monitors (RESET Air Standard - Part 6). For more details on testing requirements, please check out the Testing Details section below.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for clarification: info[at]reset.build.

2. Accreditation Process

The process for accreditation is as follows:

1. Registration

To start the registration process, you will need to prepare to submit the:

  • Application Form
  • Data Access Documentation
  • Two Week Monitor Self-Test

a. Application Form

Registration is required for monitor testing. Registration consists of completing the RESET Air Accredited Monitor Application document, available at the bottom of this page.

Note that manufacturers only need to fill in information applicable to their monitor(s). If a section is not applicable, indicate ‘N/A’.

Below is a list of information the application document will require you to fill in:

  1. Company Information
  2. Monitor - Basic Information
  3. Monitor - Documentation for Usage
  4. Monitor - Product Specification
  5. Monitor - Sensor Information - PM2.5 (ug/m3)
  6. Monitor - Sensor Information - CO2 (ppm)
  7. Monitor - Sensor Information - TVOC (mg/m3 or ppb)
  8. Monitor - Sensor Information - Temperature (°C or °F)
  9. Monitor - Sensor Information - Relative Humidity (%RH)

b. Data Access Documentation

Documentation that explains how the raw data from the monitors will be accessed, including:

  • Instructions to download the data
  • Sample file of what the downloaded data will look like

c. Two Week Monitor Self-Test

All air quality monitors will be required to do a 2-week self-test before RESET will move forward with invoicing and payment.

The 2-week self-test consists of placing 5 monitors of the same brand and make next to each other in an office-like environment. The graph of the collected data should show that there is very little intra-variability between the 5 monitors. Intra-variability is part of the accreditation requirement. A self-test is used as a sanity check to make sure that the monitors are calibrated well enough to pass this requirement before sending it to RESET for testing and accreditation.

For instructions on setup, please refer to the Setup section below. A reference monitor is not needed.

The following need to be submitted for the Monitor Self-Test:

  • A picture of the monitor testing setup
  • Graph - for each parameter, there should be 5 lines representing the 5 monitors over the 2-week period
  • Raw data that made up the graphs

2. Invoice and Payment

Once the registration is completed, an invoice will be sent along with the agreement/contract. A sample contract can be found in the downloadable section at the bottom of this page.

The testing phase can start upon receipt of payment and the monitors needed for testing. View the Pricing section for the monitor testing and accreditation fee.

3. Testing Phase

The testing phase is approximately a 2 month long process involving five of the monitoring devices. The five monitors will be placed next to each other in an active office environment and continuously monitor the indoor air quality for a month and a report will be generated based on the data acquired.

For more details on testing procedure and details, please go to Testing Details.

Following the completion of the tests, monitoring devices can be returned to the inquiring party with costs paid for by said party. The results of the test will be collected into a report that will be sent to the inquiring party.

4. Monitor Accreditation

Upon passing the RESET Air Accredited Monitor Testing, the monitor will receive RESET Air Accredited Monitor status and be published on the RESET website in the Monitors Directory. A digitally signed certificate will be sent to the submitting party.

In the event that the submitted monitor fails part of or all of the RESET Air Accredited Monitor Test and requirements, the RESET team offers support and resolution services for the submitting party and offers a second test at no extra cost.

3. Timeline

The timeline for testing is approximately 2 months time after payment and receiving of the monitors, assuming that the monitor passes the testing the first time around. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Set up - 1 week
  • Testing period - 4 weeks
  • Data analytics and Reporting - 2 weeks

An extra week is included in the timeline in case of unforeseen issues. In the scenario that the monitor does not pass the first time, there will need to be a second test, which will reset the timeline.

Note that shipping time is often affected by customs. If shipping internationally, to limit customs issues, make sure that you are shipping samples that are low cost per unit with packages being under 5,000 RMB to allow for expedited customs. Also note that FedEx, UPS, and Shunfeng have less issues than DHL, who tends to have the most issues.

4. Testing and Accreditation Fee

The RESET Air Accredited Monitor Test and Accreditation fee is a one time fee of $8,080 USD, VAT included (note that this is subject to minor change without notice).

Testing PriceTax
Fees$8,080 USDVAT Included

Please note that the monitor manufacturer is responsible for all shipping and customs fees, so please make sure to check with your shipping company on all details pertaining to this. When shipping to China, take into consideration that customs is value based. Since the monitors being shipped to us are samples for testing, use an appropriate name and value when declaring.

In the scenario that the monitor fails twice, the third test will require additional payment.

5. Testing Details

This section describes the testing process, including the purpose of the test, the setup, the process, and the reporting.


The purpose of the RESET Air Accredited Monitor test is to make sure that air quality monitors can perform to Grade B requirements and provide relevant and actionable data for indoor environments. The testing expectation is for the monitors of a certain make and model to perform accurately over time. In regards to accuracy, the most important metric is intra-variability, or the accuracy and difference in readings between the monitors being tested.

The main reason we go for relative accuracy rather than exact accuracy is due to the state of PM2.5 and TVOC sensors.

  • PM2.5, the readings might be different depending on where the calibration was initially performed. PM2.5 calibration consists of converting particle counts to ug/m3, which needs to take into consideration the average weight of particulates in the air, therefore, a region with more manufacturing will typically have a larger k-factor for conversion.
  • For TVOC, different sensors from different manufacturers react to specific VOCs differently, but the same make and brand should be consistent.

For the other 3 parameters of CO2, Temperature, and Relative Humidity, these sensors are mature enough for absolute accuracy.

In other words, the most important aspect of the testing is to make sure that a specific brand and make can be consistent against other units of the same brand and make. Reference monitors are used to verify that the peaks and troughs generally match and accuracy of the readings against the reference are not critical for passing. Lack of accuracy against the reference often can be fixed with a k-factor.


Testing is performed in an active office environment to mimic a scenario in which air quality monitors will be used. 5 monitors are placed on a counter with less than a one meter distance between the furthest monitors. A reference monitor is placed right beside these monitors (reference is not necessary for self-test).

The monitors are all connected and started at the same time to have the same initial calibration.


The monitors will remain in the same location and run for one month. As an actively used office space:

  • PM2.5 levels will fluctuate due to outdoor air, filtration, and human activity.
  • CO2 levels will fluctuate due to the human activity during weekdays.
  • TVOC levels will fluctuate due to the cleaning of the espresso coffee machine in the reception area.
  • Temperature and Relative Humidity will fluctuate due to the heating or cooling of the office during work days.


Data is collected and averaged to 30 minute averages to even out the readings a bit, which is then used to determine the final results.

In the report, we select a couple peaks and troughs and add them into a calculator that looks at the difference between the readings compared to the average of the 5 monitors. If it is within accuracy requirements and follows the trend of the reference, then that parameter will likely pass.

Typically, a simple visual eye test of the one month long graph will already a very good determinant of whether or not a specific parameter will pass.

Check out the downloads section for a Sample Report (and other documents) for monitor testing. There is a sample report for a monitor that PASSES testing and one that FAILS testing.

6. FAQ

For any further questions, please first check out the FAQ for RESET Accredited Monitors by clicking here.

If the answer is not available in the FAQ, please reach out to us at: info[at]reset.build.

7. Downloadable Documents

The following are documents relevant to becoming a RESET Air Accredited Monitor:

  1. Monitor Documentation Application (docx)
  2. Sample Agreement for Monitor Testing and Accreditation (docx)
  3. Sample Invoice for Monitor Testing and Accreditation (pdf)
  4. [PASS] Sample Data and Graphs (xlsx)
  5. [PASS] Sample Calculations Spreadsheet (xlsx)
  6. [PASS] Sample Report (pdf)
  7. [FAIL] Sample Data and Graphs (xlsx)
  8. [FAIL] Sample Calculations Spreadsheet (xlsx)
  9. [FAIL] Sample Report (pdf)
  10. Download the RESET Air Standard for Accredited Monitors (pdf)
  11. Download the RESET Air Test Procedure for Accredited Monitors (pdf, deprecated)